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Research Reports: Condensation
Condensation in Tubes
CT-1 Pure Component Condensation Inside Horizontal and Inclined Tubes (1974; revised 1980)
CT-2 Flow Regimes in Horizontal Tubeside Condensation (1975; revised 1980)
CT-3 Condensation of Multicomponent Vapors and Mixtures with Noncondensing Gases Inside Horizontal Tubes: Resistance Proration Methods (1983)
CT-4 Two-Phase Pressure Drop in Tubeside Condensation (1977)
CT-5 Condensation of Pure Components in Downflow inside Vertical Tubes (1977)
CT-6 Downflow Condensation of Mixed Vapors with Noncondensable Gases inside Vertical Tubes (1978)
CT-7 Resistance Proration Methods for Downflow Condensation of Mixed Vapors with Noncondensing Gases inside Vertical Tubes (1982)
CT-8 Parametric Study of the Performance Range of the Vertical Intube Condensation Unit (1987)
RB2-7 Condensation of Pentane/p-Xylene Mixture in Shear Regime Inside a Tube (1991)
RB7-8 Two-Phase Flow in Tubes: Condensation Data (1991)
Q1-10 Summary of HTRI Vertical Intube Downflow Condensation Data (1996)
CT-9 Data and Analysis of Heat Transfer Performance of Pure Component Condensation in a Vertical Tube (1996)
CT-10 Vertical Intube Condensation of Mixtures and Pure Components in the Presence of Noncondensables-Data and RPM Improvement (1997)
CT-11 Two-Phase Pressure Drop Method for Vertical Downflow Intube Condensation: Data and Improvements (1998; rev 09/2010)
CT-12 Data and Analysis of Heat Transfer Performance for Multicomponent Vapors Condensing in Vertical Tubes (1999)
Q4-1 Flooding Criteria for Reflux Condensation (1999)
CT-13 Reflux Condensation Inside Vertical Tubes (2000)
CT-14 Improvements to Resistance Proration Method for Horizontal Tubeside Condensation of Mixed Vapors with Noncondensable Gases (2000)
Q5-2 Enhanced Condensation using Twisted Tapes: Experimental Data (2000)
CT-15 Enhanced Tubeside Condensation Using Twisted Tape Inserts (2001; rev 05/2018)
CT-16 Condensation of Superheated Vapor (2002)
CT-17 Improved Composition Profile Method for Downflow Condensation of Vapor-Gas and Mixtures in Vertical Tubes (2003)
CT-18 Modifications to Pressure Drop Method for Partial Reflux Condensation inside Vertical Tubes (2004)
Q8-2 Improved Momentum Pressure Drop Method for Tubeside Condensation under Deep Vacuum (2004)
CT-19 Vertical Intube Upflow Condensation in Shear-Controlled Flow (2007)
CT-20 Two-Phase Pressure Drop Method for Tubeside Reflux Condensation (2008)
CT-21 Tubeside Condensation Heat Transfer with Desuperheating - Pure Components (2009)
CT-22 Tubeside Condensation Heat Transfer with Desuperheating - Mixtures (2009)
Q13-3 Heat Transfer for Horizontal Tubeside Condensation: Data versus Predictions (2009)
CT-23 Condensation Pressure Drop in Micro-finned Tubes: Review of Literature Methods (2010)
CT-24 Improved Pressure Drop Method for Condensation in Horizontal Tubes (2010; revised 2017)
Q14-2 Condensation Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop: Internal Helical Micro-finned Tube vs. Plain Tube (2010)
CT-25 Condensation Heat Transfer in Micro-finned Tubes: Review of Literature Methods (2011)
CT-26 Flooding in Inclined Tubes (2011)
CT-27 CFD Modeling of Intube Condensation (2011)
Q15-2 Vacuum Condensation: Experimental Capability and Initial Intube Data (2011)
CT-28 Assessment of HTFS Tubeside Condensation Methods as Integrated within HTRI
changer Suite
(2012; rev 03/2015)
CT-29 Flooding in Inclined Circular Tubes: Additional Data and Method Improvement (2012)
CT-30 Heat Transfer of Tubeside Vacuum Condensation: Pure Components (2012)
CT-31 Pressure Drop of Vacuum Condensation in a Vertical Tube (2013)
CT-32 Pressure Drop in Inclined Intube Downflow Condensation (2013)
CT-33 Horizontal Intube Condensation at Georgia Tech: Test Rig and Initial n-Pentane Data (2013)
CT-34 Heat Transfer of Vacuum Condensation in a Vertical Tube: Mixtures (2013)
CT-35 Downflow Condensation Heat Transfer in Inclined Circular Tubes (2014)
CT-36 Horizontal Intube Condensation Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Propane (2014)
CT-37 Horizontal Intube Condensation Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Ethane/Propane Mixtures (2016)
General Studies in Condensation
CG-1 Survey of Condensation Heat Transfer and Condenser Design (1969)
CG-2 Condensation of Multicomponent Mixtures and Mixtures with Noncondensables - A Critical Review (1976)
CG-3 Condensation of Immiscible Mixtures - A Critical Review (1976)
CG-4 Composition Profile Method for Condensation of Vapor-Gas Mixtures (1986)
RB2-5 Fogging in Partial Condensers (1986)
CG-5 Condensation of Multicomponent Vapors and Vapor-Gas Mixtures (1986)
CG-6 A Comparison Between the Resistance Proration Method and the Composition Profile Method (1991)
CG-7 Film Theory Methods for Condensation of Multicomponent Vapors or Vapor-Gas Mixtures (1994)
CG-8 Review of Published Methods for Tubeside Condensation (1995; rev 08/2006)
Q2-1 Reflux Condenser Design (1997)
CG-9 Reflux Condenser Design: State of the Art (1998; rev 01/2007)
CG-10 Reflux Condensation Temperature Profiles (2002)
Q6-4 Heat Transfer Method for Condensation of Immiscible Mixtures (2002)
CG-11 Shellside Reflux Condensation (2005; revised 2006)
Q10-2 Theoretical Limit of Theta-s Correction Factor (2006)
CG-12 Condensation with Subcooling (2015)
CG-13 Modeling Spray Condensers (2023)
Condensation on the Shell Side
CS-1 Shellside Condensation of Pure Components Outside Horizontal Plain Tube Bundles (1975; revised 1977)
CS-2 Horizontal Shellside Condensation of Multicomponent Mixtures and Mixtures with Noncondensables (1976)
CS-3 Shellside Condensation of Pure Components on the Outside of Horizontal Finned Tube Bundles (1984)
CS-4 Comparison of Condensation of Steam on Plain and Spirally Grooved Tubes in a Baffled Shell-and-Tube Condenser (1978)
RB2-1 Shellside Condensation - Plain Tube (C5) Bundle Pressure Drop Data (1980)
RB2-2 Shellside Condensation - Plain Tube (C5) Bundle Heat Transfer Data (1980)
RB2-3 Shellside Condensation Finned Tube Bundle Heat Transfer Data (1982)
RB2-4 Shellside Condensation Finned Tube Bundle Pressure Drop Data (1982)
RB2-6 Effect of Noncondensing Gas in Condensation of Vapor-Gas Mixtures (1986)
CS-5 Shellside Condensation of Mixtures and Pure Components in the Presence of Noncondensable Gases on Horizontal Tube Bundles (1986)
CS-6 Shellside Condensation of Immiscible Mixtures on Horizontal Tube Bundles (1987)
CS-7 Shellside Condensation of Ethylene Glycol/Water Mixtures on Plain and Finned Tubes (1991)
CS-8 Condensation on 11-Fins-per-Inch Tube Bundles - Comparison with Previous Results (1994)
CS-9 Improvements to the Resistance Proration Method for Shellside Condensation of Mixtures in the Presence of Noncondensable Gases (1996)
Q1-5 New RPM for Shellside Condensation of Mixtures in the Presence of Non-condensable Gases (1996)
CS-10 Improvement of Two-Phase Pressure Drop Method for Shellside Condensation in Plain and Finned Tube Bundles (1998)
CS-11 Application of the Rose-Briggs Method to Shell-and-Tube Finned-Tube Condenser Design (1998)
Q6-3 Comparison of Shellside Condensation Methods in Xist and CST (2002)
Q7-1 Improved Xist 2.0 Condensation Pressure Drop Method at High Vapor Fraction (2003)
Q7-3 Shellside Condensation in Crossflow (2003)
CS-12 Shellside Crossflow Condensation for Pure Components with Noncondensable Gas (2004)
CS-13 Shellside Condensation of Mixtures in Vertical Cross Downflow on Plain and Low-Finned Tubes (2005)
CS-14 Shellside Condensation of Plain and Low-Finned Tubes in Horizontal Cross Flow (2007)
CS-15 Shellside Reflux Condensation Methods (2011; rev 12/2018)
CS-16 Calculating Liquid Level in Horizontal Shellside Condensers (2012)
CS-17 Comparison of HTFS and HTRI Horizontal Shellside Condensation Methods (2012; rev 12/2012)
CS-18-TR Shellside Vacuum Condensation in Vertical Downflow (2015, rev 05/2016)
CS-19-TR Shellside Vacuum Condensation Data for n-Heptane and a Noncondensable Gas (2017)
CS-20-TR Condensation of Immiscible Fluids Outside Plain Tubes (2018)
Thermal Predictions of Horizontal Shellside Condensation with Subcooling (2018)
CS-22 Enhanced Methods in
8 for Gravity-controlled Shellside Condensation (2020)
CS-23 Rate-controlled Shellside Multicomponent Condensation in Vacuum Conditions (2022)
CS-24 Shellside Mixture Condensation on Low-finned Tubes in Vacuum Conditions (2024)