CG-2 Condensation of Multicomponent Mixtures and Mixtures with Noncondensables - A Critical Review

J. W. Palen, J. Taborek, and R. B. Ritter

In order to calculate condensation heat transfer coefficients for mixtures, it is necessary to determine the heat transfer resistances of both the condensate film and the vapor phase. The many methods offered in the literature for the vapor-phase resistance are consolidated in this report into two basic approaches, the "theoretical" and the "resistance proration." The fundamental equations of each approach are documented and discussed to provide a central reference for future analysis. Modifications of the basic approaches are generally necessary and may be divided into two categories:

  • Geometry independent modifications, having to do with inadequacies in the theories used.
  • Geometry dependent modifications, having to do with boundary conditions or hydrodynamics imposed by the physical geometry of the condenser to be used. This second category is given very little attention in the theory-oriented literature, but is potentially of high importance for practical applications.

This report presents a generalized procedure which can make use of the most rigorous, least rigorous, or any in-between approach, as best suits the requirements of the problem and availability of data. An analysis of limiting conditions was performed to indicate areas of most and least sensitivity to calculation procedures. A generalized equation model is proposed which can be used together with any given basic approach to fit data for a specific condenser geometry.