BK1-2 Analysis and Prediction of Entrainment and its Application to Kettle Reboiler Shell Sizing

K. Nakajima, J. W. Palen, and J. Taborek

This report reviews a number of literature articles on entrainment with regard to the applicability to kettle-type reboiler shell sizing.

An entrainment data bank of about 120 useful data points (mostly from distillation studies) was compiled and is presented in the Appendix.

A semi-empirical and a theoretical approach to correlation resulted in a design equation for the entrainment velocity coefficient, and manual design charts allowing estimation of shell size from required entrainment ratio (lb liquid/lb vapor), vapor rate and physical properties.

Methods are also given for estimating the required entrainment ratio as a function of pressure drop increase in exit piping or as a function of decrease in distillation tray efficiency.